Just get first mysql request why?
Hello I have 3 mysql request but just for the first i get a reponse does anyone knoe why $db_link=mysqli_connect("localhost", "root","", "osteodb") or die("sth went wrong"); $db_res= mysqli_query($db_link, "SELECT * FROM `videos` ORDER BY CAST(`Modul` AS INT)"); $array=array(); while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($db_res)){ array_push($array,$row); } $db_res= mysqli_query($db_link, "SELECT * FROM `module` ORDER BY CAST(`modul` AS INT)"); $moduleArray=array(); while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($db_res)){ array_push($moduleArray,$row); } $db_res2= mysqli_query($db_link, "SELECT * FROM `lehrveranstaltungen` ORDER BY CAST(`id` AS INT)"); $lehrverArray=array(); while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($db_res2)){ array_push($lehrverArray,$row); }