+ 5
Which type of Games do you like to play?
Playing games help us build up logic and enrich our thinking ability. But, there are some games which are totally time-killing and addictive. What type of games should programmers play? What are the pros and cons of being a serious gamer and programmer? Does it help to make better games?
6 ответов
+ 3
Calvin you are wrong usually game developers love playing games
+ 2
No,playing games not make programmer become better it can release stress i advise you to play relaxing games don't play games like dota2 league of legends or games that need you to think
+ 1
paying games help to release the stress but if we want to develop our logic thinking skill we can play chess to improve our decision making sence and logic skills .
Gamer makers do not play games.
Gamer maker makes game, but doesn't play game.
Read this, you would understand why they do play games.
So if you want to be game programmer, stop playing game, and start making games now.