+ 1
Help me, please. TypeError
It is from Python2 if guess < secret: There it runs. But an error appears in Python3 TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int' What is right in the Python3?
4 ответов
+ 3
Maybe python 3 did some changes on relational operators. As the error says you are going to compare a string and a integer. The best way to overcome this problem is converting the values to a same type using int(). If you provided the full code we could help you more!
+ 3
Line 8: guess = input( ...
guess is now a string
Line 9: if guess < secret:
Comparison between string and integer. Here is your error.
Try changing line 8:
guess = int(input( ...
+ 2
Yes, everything works! Thanks a lot Tortello and Seniru Pasan !
+ 1
Here is the full code. This is an example from the book about Python2
import random
secret = random.randint(1, 99)
guess = 0
tries = 0
print "Эй на палубе! Я Ужасный пират Робертс, и у меня есть секрет!"
print "Это число от 1 до 99. Я дам тебе 6 попыток."
while guess != secret and tries < 6:
guess = input("Твой вариант?")
if guess < secret:
print "Это слишком мало, презренный пес!"
elif guess > secret:
print "Это слишком много, сухопутная крыса!"
tries = tries + 1
if guess == secret:
print "Хватит! Ты угадал мой секрет!"
print "Попытки кончились!"
print "Это число ", secret
And it comes out when I start the IDLE. Python 3.7.2
Эй на палубе! Я Ужасный пират Робертс, и у меня есть секрет!
Это число от 1 до 99. Я дам тебе 6 попыток.
Твой вариант 90
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "F:\Users\Слава\Desktop\pYthOn\NumGuess.py", line 9, in <module>
if guess < secret:
TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int'