+ 28
Why java lanuguge is undepedent. ?
3 ответов
+ 10
➝ The Java Virtual Machine
One of Java’s most convenient features is the Java Virtual Machine (or JVM).
The JVM essentially acts as the translator between your Java code and the particular operating system that your code is running on. This is the origin of the once-famous Java marketing slogan "Write Once, Run Anywhere". Without the JVM, you’d have to compile your code for every operating system separately. The JVM guarantees that your Java code runs identically on Linux, Mac or Windows.
The Java language designers also envisioned a world where other languages can execute on the JVM besides Java. To that end they’ve specified a low-level language (called "bytecode") which is the language that Java complies into and the stuff that actually gets executed on the JVM. Today there are dozens of languages targeting the JVM as a result.
+ 13
Bcaz, java 's program run at every operating system.... So java is plateform independent!!!! 🎉
+ 6
//Java is platform independent https://www.sololearn.com/learn/Java/2131/