is this an accurate way to check if linked list is full? using java.
public boolean isFull() { Node temp; temp = head; if (temp == head) { temp= null; return false; }else { return true; } }
2 ответов
Didn't know that LinkedList or any
other collection in java can be full. As I know they are resized by them self if their capacity is filled until some percent of their current capacity.
About your method - it will return always false since temp = head.
Maybe I didn't understand your question correctly, please explain more, if my answer is not what you were looking for.
Do you mean that you want to check if your list contains objects or not?
Every list has a size. Size = 0 --> empty list.
if(YourLinkedList.size () > 0){
return true; //there are objects inside your list
return false; //empty list