Is java is really a pure object oriented?
4 ответов
+ 8
Java did not invent the idea of Object Oriented Programming. In fact OOP dates back to the late 60’s, but the Java language designers did a great job implementing the idea in the language in such a way that it is practical and productive for the programmer.
+ 4
Java is a Object Oriented language.
This means that you design your code around unit of codes called "objects" which loosely resemble real-world object (or concepts). So if you were to write, say, a library management software you'll most likely have these code objects representing books, members, staff but also more abstract concepts such as genre and loan.
This happens to be a very neat way to organize software (and your thoughts). Instead of thinking about your system as a big line-by-line, step-by-step algorithm, you think of it as a set of interacting objects. If done right, each one of these objects can be reasoned about independently from other objects. Each object can be tested in isolation from others and each one can be extended without necessarily affecting the entire system.
+ 1
With the introduction of java 8 several years ago, java also has functional programming aspects. Check out the following website for more info: