+ 7
Suggestions to make my code better
im a beginner trying to learn new things in coding, i have posted a few codes let me know here if theres anything that can make my codes better or there's any mistake so i can learn to fix it.
4 ответов
+ 3
My recommendation is to read Code style guides and learn from them. Here are two examples from Google and Mozilla : https://google.github.io/styleguide/htmlcssguide.html
+ 6
thank you! i really appreciate your help :) ❤️
+ 2
1. You should learn some css naming convension (for example "bem"), it will help you to deal with CSS structure
2. Try to avoid using ids for styling.
3. I cant see any responsive example of your code, it is not obvious if you are aware of this standard
I think the best way to learn it is to code some template with at least two breakpoints (mobile/desktop). You can find some preety designs on pinterest or behance.
I hope it isnt too overwhelming, you can do it!