Please can someone correct my coding
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cmath> /*This program is to determine the grades of ICT students in Ho Technical University*/ int main() { int af, cl, prg, m, mict, dm, cs; double score; cout <<"\n\nEnter the score"<<endl; cin>>grades; A+= if (score is 85++); A= if (score is 80++); B+= if (score is 75++); B= if (score is 70++); C+= if (score is 65++); C= if (score is 60++); D+= if (score is 55++); D= if (scrore is 50++); F9= if(score is 0+) cout<<"sccore in African studies is="<<as<<endl; cout<<"score in computer literacy is ="<<cl<<endl; cout<<"score in programming is="<<"prg""<<endl; cout<< "score in management is="<<m<<endl; cout<< "score in maths in ict is="<<mict<<endl; cout<< "score in descret maths is="<<dm<<endl; cout <<"score in comunication skills is="<<cs<<endly; cout<< "your scores are"<<grades; return 0; }