+ 2
I can't understand quotient & remainder lesson. Please help Me.
13 ответов
+ 11
CMIIW means "Correct Me If I'm Wrong"
For anyone who doesn't know HTH:
HTH means "Hope That Helps"
+ 10
David Carroll thanks 👍. I was wondering why Ipang would say "Call me if it works!"
+ 9
Ipang I understand Hth (hope that helps) but what is cmiiw?
+ 8
# Quotient is the result you get from a division of two numbers. Example:
print( 500 // 2 ) # 250 is quotient
print( 1024 // 1000 ) # 1 is quotient
print( 1024 / 4 ) # 256.0 is quotient
# Remainder is the leftover value you get when a division operation cannot fully divide its operand by the divisor. Example:
print( 5 % 2 ) # 1 is remainder
# 5 / 2 yields 2, leaves 1 behind
print( 10 % 6 ) # 4 is remainder
# 10 / 6 yields 1, leaves 4 behind
Hth, cmiiw
+ 7
Decimis † 𝕯𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖒𝖎𝖘 LOL... Same here... I had to look those up.
+ 6
We seem to digress and turn this thread into one about internet and chat abbreviations. But it's useful as there are so many AFAIK.
+ 5
You're welcome, and happy coding 👍
+ 4
Sonic "Call me if it works" 😂
Tbh, I didn't know what either one of them meant 😅
+ 3
+ 3
OMG Hahah that version of "cmiiw" is a big no no here in SoloLearn buddy 😁 a good invention though, admittedly 👍
Actually, Gordon asked me that too before, I was a bit surprised I thought everybody knew it like we've seen a lot of LOL, TBH , TY and all here ...
This is why this community unique, a simple "cmiiw" lits up curiosity like nowhere else 😁
Kudos #all
+ 2
Van Durme Laurent
When 1.25 % 0.5 gives 0.25 it is correct, you see, 1.25 divided by 0.5 gives 2.
Because ... 0.5 * 2 = 1.0
And then we are left with the remainder from the division, which is 0.25 ...
Hth, cmiiw
+ 1
starting to learn and found mistake / misunderstand in this topic of the training : 1.25%0.5 gives 0.25..... though when 1.25/0.5=2.5
or did i misunderstand the syntax ??
print(int(number / hours))
print(int(number % hours) )