+ 3
Database in sololearn
Howdy! Do You know, can I interact with database in sololearn code playground? Thx for answer :) Best regards!!!
8 ответов
+ 3
I think you can but you definitely shouldn't as it will make the authentication vulnerable as anyone can "borrow" it and fetch anything from the database.
+ 11
Firstly you just complete your SQL course. Then you will work, few days later, it's easy for you.
+ 3
Kartik, you are right, but it's just educational goal, db is not important
Oh in that case,
ActiveXObject is used imo. Check it out.
And here is a sample code I found:
var connection = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Connection") ; var connectionstring="Data Source=<server>;Initial Catalog=<catalog>;User ID=<user>;Password=<password>;Provider=SQLOLEDB"; connection.Open(connectionstring); var rs = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Recordset"); rs.Open("SELECT * FROM table", connection); rs.MoveFirst while(!rs.eof) { document.write(rs.fields(1)); rs.movenext; } rs.close; connection.close;
I think this is for SQL server...
Good morning
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