+ 10
Can i make an execuatable (.exe) file from the .java or .class files?
I need to make a completely independent execuatable file from my code, is there anyway for that?
7 ответов
+ 9
There have been many tools made to do this. The developers will often abandon the project after a short time, so I'm not whats still maintained. This should give you some places to look:
You could also use the java to Kotlin convertor, Then use Kotlin native compiler to build 64 bit win exe. It is usually less desirable and messy to pass code through a transpiler before compiling, but the tools from JetBrains are very good.
+ 15
Yes, but you'll need a tool like launch4j or some other tool else for it. I would recommend to use a build tool like Maven and a corresponding plugin to automate the packing process.
+ 10
You can covert to jar file to exe.
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