Difference between jquery and angular ?

I am newbee pleaae help .

22nd Jan 2017, 6:04 AM
Alfredo Chusgo Soliz
Alfredo Chusgo Soliz - avatar
3 ответов
+ 5
jquery is just library which simplifies using js with cost of slightly increased execution time. Angular is powerful framework for building SPA (single page application) websites
22nd Jan 2017, 6:18 AM
Kamil Kosyl
Kamil Kosyl - avatar
+ 1
Welp, from the names you can see that they are already different.
22nd Jan 2017, 6:18 AM
David Sebastian Keshvi Illiakis
David Sebastian Keshvi Illiakis - avatar
22nd Jan 2017, 8:21 AM
yamin - avatar