I need help guys, a bit confusing on displaying the choices and code the function in the choices
Your program will manipulate a two dimensional array of size x * y (matrix). You should use user-defined functions which accept 2-D array, and its size x and y as arguments. Using an appropriate loop, display the following options as a menu: 1. Input elements into matrix of size x x y 2. To display elements of matrix of size x x y 3. Sum of all elements of matrix of size x x y 4. To display row-wise sum of matrix of size x x y 5. To display column-wise sum of matrix of size x x y 6. To create transpose of matrix B of size y x x 7. Quit program Enter your choice: _ Note that the array is a flexible size of rows and columns. Data entry validation codes are required to ensure the array structure can be created properly. Ensure the input and output are done in the exact 2-D structure of the stated array. The menu will always reappear at the completion of options 1 to 6. When option ‘7’ is chosen, clear the screen and then display a message to thank the user for using the program. If the user entered any other numbers (not 1 to 7), display the following message: ‘You have entered an invalid option. Please choose options 1 to 7 only’.