+ 2
p5js vs cavas in JavaScript
What, according to you, is better in terms of animation and all the other things we do in JavaScript. What are the pros and cons of both of these. I see nowadays more web coders (on sololearn) use p5js
20 ответов
+ 7
Complicated config buulds complicated games 😬
+ 7
Calviղ thanks! I also found this github page dedicated to pixi, for whoever is interested 😃
+ 6
marjel101 I tried out the codes from the same github page. Let's make some games from there. 😬
+ 6
Calviղ haha, that’d be cool! I’m sure you could make something really special with it.
I think I’ll be browsing the github page a bit this week, and learn more about it 😃🌹🌹
+ 5
Vanilla js > all else js in my humble opinion.
Plus if you know how, you can do everything p5 js does for animations with vanilla js. (just a bit more verbosely)
+ 5
ᐺ ! ᖇ † ᒪ where can i find examples of pixi.js? Are there any pixi.js codes here on sololearn?
+ 4
p5 is excelent for beginners, you can find outstanding learning material on youtube. But i think when you want more, then you should learn canvas.
Or start with p5 and switch to canvas later, which I plan to do eventually, if I find the courage to do so ... 😌
+ 4
Saurabh Tiwari Like I said, p5 is really easy to get started, but in the end canvas is more complete. Did you already find the tutorials of The Coding Train on youtube? You can learn so much there, also general javascript subjects like arrays, objects, loops and so on. All related to drawing with p5js.
+ 4
I know both, but in my opinion p5.js is way easier. I made the mistake of learning canvas first. Start with p5.js to get grips then move to canvas. I am actually going to go cold turkey soon and give up p5. I take p5 as a boost for beginners. Learn valuable knowledge with p5, and then go forward with the real thing.
+ 3
marjel101 I was going to do canvas and then p5
But I realised that my progress in canvas is very slow
So I switched to p5js
+ 3
marjel101 Thanks
Yep I am learning from that channel
+ 3
Calviղ Seems complicated! 😅
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