Mistake in the HTML course?
https://www.sololearn.com/Play/HTML Is there a mistake in the HTML Basics, under Blog Project: My Skills? It is asking to fill in the blanks below: <ul> <li> < FILL-IN-1 href="https://www.sololearn.com"> A </a> < FILL-IN-2 > <li>B</li> </ul> I am being told the answers are "a" and "/li" respectively. Would the second blank not be "ul"?
4 ответов
+ 1
Ah, thank you! I totally misread the question and did not realize the second fill in was to close the list item. That solves my confusion. Thanks again!
LI = list item
UL = unordered list
In the second fill-in you close the tag for the first list item. You only close ul at the end once.
Here the first list item contains the anchor tag.