When i try to run this they Say invalid syntax here: m=float(input('Now please enter the number two:')help plz
print('''Hello This is calculator''') choise=input('''Please chose one of this: \"addition" \"soustraction" \"multiplication" \"division" ==>''') while choise not in["addition","soustraction","multiplication","division"]: print('please choose again') choise=input('''Please chose one of this: \"addition" \"soustraction" \"multiplication" \"division" ==>''') n=float(input('Please enter the first number:') m=float(input('Now please enter the number two:') if choise=="addition": r=n+m print('the result='+r) elif choise=="soustraction": r=n-m print('the result='+r) elif choise=="multiplication": r=n*m print('the result='+r) else: r=n/m print('the result='+r)