+ 1

Should SoloLearn have their own git repo system?

What if SoloLearn had their own proprietary git repository versioning system where users can maintain their code and perform collaborations? It can start off very basic using commands like: "sologit" "solopull" I think it would help users by simulating real world versioning systems like GitHub, BitBucket, etc.

15th Aug 2019, 2:59 PM
Steven M
Steven M - avatar
8 ответов
+ 5
Nice idea. You can inform Sololearn about this by mailing them at info@sololearn.com
15th Aug 2019, 3:53 PM
Rstar - avatar
+ 4
Not an easy task, this is why Microsoft rather acquire GitHub for $7.5 billion than building their own.
15th Aug 2019, 3:18 PM
Calviղ - avatar
+ 2
I like your idea. That would be useful and good practice. Probably pretty difficult for SL to implement
15th Aug 2019, 3:10 PM
Brian A
Brian A - avatar
+ 1
Yeah, it shouldn't be too bad, I'm not saying anything like a complete git system, maybe something smaller. You are right other companies have secured a proper foot hold in the market. However, what if it is something more simple, start small, maybe implement version control in when we save code to the platform. Each save equals a different version, and it we want to save it out to the public have us use maybe a binary system like Gets and Pulls and just go from there. 😀
15th Aug 2019, 3:58 PM
Steven M
Steven M - avatar
+ 1
Rstar I emailed them 👍 I wish I could tag them in this conversation 😁
15th Aug 2019, 4:10 PM
Steven M
Steven M - avatar
+ 1
They sort of do... I mean not the same scale, but you can save code and other people can save it to their account...
15th Aug 2019, 6:34 PM
Jonny Legend
+ 1
n3v375 i agree. i would definitely like some versioning on saved codes. Cureently I name them v1.0, 1.1 etc but its not ideal. Also i would love to be able to create folders to organize the saved codes.
15th Aug 2019, 6:43 PM
Brian A
Brian A - avatar
15th Aug 2019, 11:42 PM
Troy🌹 - avatar