+ 2
C#: Для нестатического поля, метода или свойства "..." требуется ссылка на объект
Часто с этим сталкиваюсь. Я понимаю, что можно все сделать static и не париться, но каков другой вариант?
2 ответов
+ 2
Good question :
I used google translate
C #: A non-static field, method or property "..." requires an object reference
I often come across this. I understand that you can do everything static and not take a steam bath, but what is another option?
( not sure what that steam bath is doing there)
I made some code, hopes this answers your question
Really it is personal preference.
You can do the "Add" in a static class and also in a non-static class.
Sometimes you do not have control of the code and you need to make you methods static because the class is static.
Almost every thing I do is bound to a object.
I use static only for helper-classes that hold some usefull method.
In this case I would go for the static version.
+ 1
sneeze "steam bath" is like "hakuna matata", like "don't worry". :)
I'll watch your cod tomorrow, from PC. Thank you a lot my friend :)🤘