Any way to repeat an if loop in python?
Trying my code and I have to ask user to run it again instead of getting another input. Any Suggestions? I will post my code in the comments.
3 ответов
import random
#Chooses random play for the computer
Computer = random.choice(["Rock", "Paper", "Scissors"])
#Ask The player for it's input
User = input("Choose: Rock/Paper/Scissors: ")
User = User.lower()
User = User.strip()
#Get all of the Results and Specify what it should say
if User == Computer:
print("Computer chose: " + str(Computer))
print("Player chose: " + str(User))
print("It's A Draw!")
elif User == "rock":
if Computer == "Paper":
print("\nComputer Chose: " + str(Computer))
print("Player Chose: " + str(User))
print("The Computer Wins!")
print("\nComputer Chose: " + str(Computer))
print("Player Chose: " + str(User))
print("The Player Wins!")
elif User == "paper":
if Computer == "Scissors":
print("\nComputer Chose: " + str(Computer))
print("Player Chose: " + str(User))
print("The Computer Wins!")
print("\nComputer Chose: " + str(Computer))
print("Player Chose: " + str(User))
print("The Player Wins!")
elif User == "scissors":
if Computer == "Rock":
print("\nComputer Chose: " + str(Computer))
print("Player Chose: " + str(User))
print("The Computer Wins!")
print("\nComputer Chose: " + str(computer))
print("Player Chose: " + str(User))
print("The Player Wins!")
elif User == "yoda":
print("\nNice Job Finding Secret, Young Padawan!")
print("The Force controls You!")
print("\nAlso, you would've won that game any way")
print("\nI Didn't Understand You,")
print("Try Running it again.")
while True:
# your code here
test = input(" New Game (y/n) ? ")
If test == "n":
Thx a ton homie