+ 6
What are the uses of C++ in the real world?
3 ответов
+ 6
C++ has many real world uses,few of them are:
1.Games: C++ overrides the complexities of 3D games,optimizes resource management & facilitates multiplayer with networking.For instance,science fiction game Doom 3 is cited as an ex. of a game that used C++ well & Unreal Engine,suite of game development tools, is written in C++.
2.GUI based applications: Many highly used applications,such as Image Ready,Adobe Premier,Photoshop & Illustrator,are scripted in C++.
3.Web Browsers: With the introduction of specialized languages,adoption of C++ is limited for scripting of websites & web applications.But,where speed & reliability are required,C++ is preferable.For ex.,a part of Google’s back-end is coded in C++, & the rendering engine of a few open source projects,such as web browser Mozilla Firefox & email client Mozilla Thunderbird.
4.Advance Computations & Graphics: C++ provides the means for building applications requiring real-time physical simulations,high performance image processing & mobile sensor applications.Maya 3D software,used for integrated 3D modeling,visual effects & animation,is coded in C++.
5.DB Software: C++ & C have been used for scripting MySQL,1 of the most popular DB management software.The software forms the backbone of variety of DB-based enterprises,like Google,Wikipedia,Yahoo,YouTube,etc.
6.OS: C++ forms an integral part of many of the prevalent OSs including Apple’s OS X & various versions of Microsoft Windows & the erstwhile Symbian mobile OS.
7.Enterprise Software: C++ finds a purpose in banking and trading enterprise applications,like those deployed by Bloomberg & Reuters.Its also used in development of advanced software, like flight simulators & radar processing.
8.Medical & Engineering Applications: Many advanced medical equipments,like MRI machines,use C++ language for scripting their software.Its also part of engineering applications,like high-end CAD/CAM systems.
9.Compilers: A host of compilers including Apple C++,Bloodshed Dev-C++,Clang C++ & MINGW make use of C++ language.
+ 3
This guy in Quora seems to have borrowed some ideas from our friend in SL.
I am just asking but is it possible to incorporate in html a code that is written in c++ language.
Just asking 😊