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def fact (n) if n <=1 1 else n*fact (n-1) end end. here in second line if n <=1. what code is run when the if statement is true...
1 ответ
The last thing evaluated in a method gets returned to wherever the method was called from. Because there is nothing after the if...else...end, the value 1 is returned from the fact method when the n <= 1 is true. You can think of this:
def fact(n)
if n <=1
1 #last line of fact when n <= 1
n * fact(n-1) #last line when n > 1
the same as you would think of this:
def fact(n)
if n <=1
return 1
return n * fact(n-1)
So if the n <= 1 is true, it will return 1 to wherever the fact method was called from. This could be a puts statement like:
puts fact(1)
where the "fact(1)" becomes the returned value 1, or it could return to the fact method call from within the else section of a previous fact method call:
n * fact(n - 1) #same as fact(1) if n is 2
and this is the hardest part to understand about recursion. Hope this answers your original question!