+ 2
Please someone check this code for me and tell me what's wrong?
function exercice1(chiffre) { (chiffre === 0) ? 'zéro': (chiffre ===1) ? 'un': (chiffre === 2) ? 'deux'; }
9 ответов
+ 10
Either use return keyword with if else statement or use turnery operator .
Ex. If (condition)
{ return value ;}
Else{return value;}
If(condition)? return value if true :return value if false;
+ 5
You have to add return for a function in order to get the returned value
function exercice1(chiffre) {
return (chiffre === 0) ? 'zero':
(chiffre === 1) ? 'un':
(chiffre === 2) ? 'deux':
null; // null for chiffre >2
+ 3
In Es6:
const exercice1 = chiffre =>
(chiffre === 0) ?'zéro'
:(chiffre === 1) ?'un'
:(chiffre === 2) ?'deux'
for(let i=0; i<=3; i++)
+ 2
If you are checking for only three conditions; then remove the last tenary operator. Something like this 👇;
function exercice1(chiffre) {
(chiffre === 0) ? 'zéro':
(chiffre ===1) ? 'un': 'deux';
The last line (chiffre===2)?'deux';
must have two values 'deux' : ... ;
whereas you provided only one
Or you can simply create an array like this 👇
var numbre =["zero", "une", "deux",....];
and in the function; maybe you are returning the number in words; you do
return numbre[chiffre];
+ 2
Solo challenger
+ 2
Calviղ ☺
+ 1
Add a return value Mamadou Aliou Diallo also you can join our group if you want to see full explaination of the above code
Will some tell me how to cancel this cause I don't know what the heck this is. I upload by mistake. I need to cancel. Tank you.