Is there a way to put saved files together so when I run a program they all run together

15th Sep 2019, 2:53 AM
2 ответов
I know the two ways of doing this. First - Using Makefile : Makefile is a file that contains name of you all files and executable commands, when you run make command on your terminal it will execute all the files. If make command is not installed on your system then first installed it. Find correct syntax of Makefile and how to run it. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/makefile/why_makefile.htm Second - Using compile.sh and run.sh files : https://www.howtogeek.com/261591/how-to-create-and-run-bash-shell-scripts-on-windows-10/ https://superuser.com/questions/120045/how-to-execute-sh-file-on-windows
15th Sep 2019, 4:47 AM
Vijay Meena
i meant with the app i can already run multiple source code files with code::blocks
15th Sep 2019, 5:10 AM