+ 3
I know many languages is it bad?
well, I know a bit of many languages, I can understand most of them, but I dont think I can do any real life project. I just get lost. am trying to simply just learn python fully before I do anything else, but then I realize I am still missing alot and still cant do shit. what am I doing wrong
6 ответов
+ 7
…Same here… ~_~
+ 6
Jack of all trades is a master of none, you probably have to focus deeper on a language that you like to be proficient in, i too know many languages but i commonly use one or two at work and the same two in my free time that's the only way I can actually do something good with it and because I feel that i'm actually understanding how i can use them and what they are good or bad at, the reason I said two is because i use the other to counter the things they lack in. The more you use it the better you get, as in discovering things that's not written in a document somewhere.
Hope that made sense to you! :)
+ 4
Learning a programming language itself, object orientation or other paradigms etc. can be done to a good level. But learning a large framework or standard libraries that come with a language is a huge undertaking and you will never remember them completely or know everything. And even if, then it will be time for another language... So go and try to do a small real life project, learn to work with the docs, most of your programming time you will read in them (until problems become repetitive). Learn how to ask google and learn from problems other people had and how they soved them and find your own interpretation for your context. Look at example code and learn from pros, even copy paste and adjust it for your needs. And fail a lot of times but keep going. It's a bit like math, that can not be learned completely by listening your professor or read books, you need to make every possible mistake yourself and learn from it.
+ 2
it is normal know several different languages. but what matters is know what to do with them. join a free software project of your interest and make something useful. this will help you a lot.
thanks for all the replays, I got some ideas, and I think I have a bit more resolve on what to do next
No it's actually cool cause when u travel and get in touch with people from other continents u can speak a little of their language.