+ 8
Why do people want to be hackers...
When all most of them do is spam and mess with people's social media account to try to scam others?
35 ответов
+ 2
To be the answer to people problems.
For recognition and also to feel better than others in the society and also so that you can help others.
+ 14
Majority of people want to be hackers based on what they watch on sci-fi movies.
+ 10
Alot of big companies pay hackers to try to test they're security on websites and mobile apps. Like banks, healthcare insurance companies, and many more. Alot of these websites have alot of personal information like Social security numbers. Hackers are paid really well for testing the security on sites like these.
+ 8
Hacking can be done professionally or just for fun. in my case just for fun.
+ 3
Dear Peter David Carter
Hacking is also one of the fields of computer
Dear bro
Most of people want to be hacker to spam with people
hacking is also good field if you do it ethically
you have to find the bugs in companies websites or servers & they gives you bounties(Money) for your work & to secure their systems
i am also 1 of them
feel free to ask question
+ 1
Peter David Carter
Have any Question about Hacking
feel free to ask
I am an Ethical Hacker & Penetration Tester
+ 1
Some people think it's cool. Others have no conscience.
+ 1
Hacking can help you become a really good programmer.Knowing how to hack can be a very powerful tool for you.
Hacking made your computer the way it is today.
You can test your softwares by hacking it.You can use hacking to help a company or society by searching for vulnerability in their database,etc.
You can hack into others nation to spy over them.Use it in a proper way and positive way.
+ 1
For money
+ 1
Msfvenom & msfconsole is same meterpreter is the name of process after you get access to system
all the name are use in Metasploit
but there are many other powerfull tools then metasploit
armitage, burpsuite, sqlmap & etc
try to learn them
+ 1
Your question is incorrect, because hacker is good and cracker is a bad person
+ 1
This is your answer
The term cracker or black hat is used to refer to people who break or violate any security system illegally or informally.
+ 1
Hacktivists are ideological computer politicians.
They can attack if they want for their ideology
Black hat hackers are litterly criminal.
But what was it about Anonymous and Mr Robot that was so compelling?
I mean, I've done a little hacking, but never criminal. Just wondering why it seems to interest new devs so much.
To hack people’s WiFi
Rabiul Hasan yes i can hack wifi
My answer: film and culture portray hackers, yes, but there's more to it. After all, there are films with people who have every job. Instead the reason is this: in modern times most power structures rely on software in some way. As such hackers represent a challenge to that power. People find hackers cool and sexy, particularly those without much power themselves, because they represent rebellion and a fight back against the structures that control our lives. People don't aspire to be spammers and criminals, they aspire to be Neo, fighting back against Agent Smith.
Where can i learn hacking . if no where i can learn hacking please tell me what must i learn