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Can you guys recommend some programming books?
Not books about lets say Java or C++, but something like history of programming, how programming works, and just programming in general.. Thx
3 ответов
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So you don't want to read language-specific books but in general books about programming.
I'd recommend you to study algorithms and hence recommend reading 'Introduction to Algorithms' by CLRS. Apparently by CLRS, I mean the initials of last names of four geniuses who have co-authored this book. First one being Thomas Cormen.
I haven't myself bought and read the book, so take my suggestion with a pinch of salt but the popularity it has gained over time is amazing. It's available on Amazon but a bit too expensive too.
If you're a student belonging to IT discipline you might have heard it many a time that you need to gain command over algorithms and data structures because under the hood they're working behind the programming languages you use.
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