Problem trying to play sounds with pygame module
I'm trying to play multiple sounds at the same time using pygame. I'm using the function pygame.mixer.Channel(num).play(sound_path) but it gives me error! IN THIS CASE: import pygame pygame.mixer.init(channels=10) pygame.mixer.Channel(3).play("sound.mp3") It stops giving me "TypeError: argument 1 must be Sound, not str" So I've looked for a solution online and I found that I have to use the function pygame.mixer.Sound(sound_path) like this: import pygame pygame.mixer.init(channels=10) pygame.mixer.Channel(3).play(pygame.mixer.Sound("sound.mp3")) Running that I receive "pygame.error: Unable to open file 'sound.mp3'" I don't know what to do, so I'm asking here! Thanks in advice :)) EDIT: I've tried to convert .mp3 in .ogg: It doesn't give me errors but It doesn't play the sound too :((