How can I write simple backup bash script?
Hi. I started to learn linux and I have a task to create simple bash script. Script must make a backup of /home directory. With this I'm ok, but there is another task: the script must encrypt backuped files with gpg. I'm stuck there, so if you drop me some hints, I'll be thankful
2 ответов
for backing up stuff the go to is usually rsync.
ive never looked into encrypting stuff, but i found this: https://superuser.com/questions/251174/how-to-do-rsync-like-encrypted-backup
a lot of answers suggest using duplicity software, but if you are doing a task or assignment for a course you might not be allowed to use that.
the guy asking the question on this page: https://serverfault.com/questions/194985/backups-with-rsync-and-gpg pretty much encrypts the data filrst into a tar and then backs it up with rsync.