How is this possible?
I'm wondering right now. Look at this example: class BendedTube: def __init__(self, points=False): self.p = points if points: self.calc() def length_of_line(self, p1, p2): L = 0 for i in range(3): L += (p1[i]-p2[i])**2 return L**0.5 def calc(self): #theoretical lengths from point to point self.theoretic_len = list((map(self.length_of_line, self.p, self.p[1:]))) Here, I'm using an Object-Method [self.calc()] in the Constructor. And this works!? I think, nobody told me, that this is possible. No idea how this work, to use an Object-Method from an Object that does not exist. Is this Python specific? Or can one do so in other languages?