+ 2
Working as a freelancer
Do you think that it would be a good idea to use the projects that I have made in this platform as a reference in my freelance portfolio?
2 ответов
+ 5
The codes you have here are proof of how much you know in a language, and anyone who knows about web dev knows you can do good websites with it. But, when you're freelancing, the people that hire you probably know nothing about coding, they don't care how much you know, they only care about good graphics and content.
So now to your question: The codes you have here don't look good, they're not what people want. But, you can easily make websites like they want, it's just that they don't know.
You should probably start making personal pages, or business pages, with random names and pictures, and try to make the website as good looking as you can, because yes, graphics matter a lot. There are many examples that already exist, you just have to change them a little bit, and be productive.
+ 2
Hey thanks for answering, I'll try to follow your advice