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Will i be able to write a code for a more secure firewall*??
4 ответов
Huge projects like this require teamwork. But who knows, maybe you have good ideas which others have missed so far. Why do you think current firewalls are poorly secure by the way?
My ex girlfriend hacked all my mobile devices in less then 5mins.
So if she can do that just think of the other people out there in the world that are hacking into banks and steeling millions of rands and dollars and guys that are writing false death certificates.
And I would really like to change that,,..so that's why I started now to learn coding so that I can develop a much better and much more secure firewall. I want to develop a firewall so secure that even with a super computer it will still have to take the worlds best hacker more than 5 years before he/she even breaks through the first of many layers of security.