Python "return"
The tutorial states that we can return "a value that can be used later". What exactly does "can be used later" mean? When and how can I use the value? Are the variables not already defined and populated?
3 ответов
+ 2
Objective Christian
example: a function or operator body returns the current date.
You yourself expect to return something from the function and assign this value to the variable. otherwise, why call a function that returns something ?
By "using it later", it would mean that the returned value can be stored in a variable.
def sum(num1, num2) # function_name(argument1, argument2, etc...)
return num1 + num2 # simple operation
# Stores value of sum, when called with 1 and 2 as parameters -> sum(1, 2)
OnePlusTwo = sum(1, 2)
# Uses & prints out the value returned by sum(1, 2)
print("1+2 = ", OnePlusTwo)