Best way to remember how to code
I want to start a game company but I have trouble rembering alot of code please tell me I'll be very happy
22 ответов
+ 11
Practice (writing code) is the most important thing.
Besides that, properly planned-out repetitions can help:
+ 5
HonFu maybe he gave you full marks for your answer?
+ 4
First things First
strengthen your mind to start a new company
it's not easy to collect key people and resource collection is a battle even EA faces
I suggest installing GameDev Tycoon to get the basic idea of how game designing actually feels like
here's the link..... on play store its 400 INR so save some bucks
+ 4
jizzo studios I think that to start a game development company you will need to hire some great programmers.
+ 3
It tends to happen when you learn a new subject. Especially if you go through it really quickly. The good news is that with enough practice, remembering things in coding will be no problem
+ 3
Practice, practice and practice
+ 2
I think practice, patience and with experience you'll learn and will get master.
+ 2
Be an active learner, not a passive learner. It’s difficult to retain information through passive learning. You may think that watching a video or reading a tutorial over and over again is enough to lodge the information in your head forever. While some of it will eventually stick, it’s not the most effective way to learn.
+ 1
+ 1
What does that mean, 10/10?
+ 1
Honfu it means your answer is perfect it inspired me to slow down a little bit
+ 1
Thanks for all the support! I have a plan but still thanks! 😄
+ 1
Programming is like driving a car , it's not like literature , as you practice more you will gain more experience.
Categorise and relate the key words to help you understand it better. Unfortunately they are usually written in alphabetical order which doesn't help comprehension
Well, the first thing to do is learn new things
Let's say you learned how to make loops with for/while
Practise them a lot until you remember them and master them
Then go on another subject.
The key is to practise a lot, do exercises and do the same exercise with different methods.
Once you master something, challenge yourself and move on the next subject.
If you use a game engine such as Unity you can use the trainer courses on there to begin learning how to write code on the platform, or making small projects with a goal in mind so you can engrave that knowledge into your head so you can learn it. Repetition in writing the code in any language will allow you to remember the code more.
Some people say practice makes perfect.just practice by writing some codes.
You cannot remember a code for any program you remember different methods you use to solve that program and get the desired output cause one program can be programmed in a different way to get the same output.
even though i didnt ask this question, the responces helped me a ton, thanks :3