Html, table
Yo guys im just start to study codes i want start with the basic( html) can someone help me with it, btw i dont understand table what is tr and td it hard to me...
9 ответов
+ 5
tr---refers to Table Row which means to create a new Row,and
td---refers to Table Division which means to split the rows in the cells 👍🆗🙂🙏
+ 2
Hi Hagai
I can see that you are still doing the html course on SoloLearn.
Well inside the tag <table> </table>, tr is used to create a row, you can think of it as "tr = Table Row" and "td = Table Division" as td is used to split each a row in multiple cells or columns.
+ 2
Tr describes rows td describes columns. You can create a table using td n tr like this
<td>first raw first column</td>
<td>first raw second column </td>
<td>second raw first column</td>
<td>second raw second column </td>
Better to follow sololearn html course and also css fundemntal course..
+ 1
"Mark emm okay thx i think i got it you right i study with solo learn can you tell me better way to study ( or sololearn it good way?) I think solo learn is good but i dont rly know ."
In general, there are multiple ways to learn. Everyone is different and should adapt himself to his compatible method.
But coding is different. The best way to learn how to code is to read the lessons then practice them. Practice make you master your code. Practice makes you understand better. Every lesson in Sololearn offers you this opportunity to practice under this label(Try it yourself) .
If you need to deepen your knowledge you can ask questions or do some research. W3schools.com is one of best website you can refer yourself for any question.
Hope that help.
+ 1
Hi writing code to build a table is very easy, you have to draw it first and you can understand better.
Tr stands for table row which describes the rows of a table
Td stands for table division which describes the columns of a table.
Usually td and tr are float to the left.
Tr always contains td.
<td> ....</td>
By this tags we have a table of 2 rows and 2 columns.
Mark emm okay thx i think i got it you right i study with solo learn can you tell me better way to study ( or sololearn it good way?) I think solo learn is good but i dont rly know .
Hi Hagai
Well, Sololearn will give you very basic notions and introductory use of the programming languages.
If you are a real beginner it is good as a first step. I personally find it kind of boring and repetitive, specially the quizzes. But again, if you are just starting is totally fine.
After you finish a course you will know at least how to use a basic set of elements to do basic stuff. If you are interested in further develop your skills then you can try to code more complex projects. This will force you to search for more advanced ways of using a programming language.
The internet is full of good material and online course.
For example, for web development the W3C which is responsible for defining web standards offers many tutorials.
Check: https://www.w3schools.com
Mark okay thx , i think it what i need i need to know the basic ,im rly beginner .. thx
Being a beginner is excellent because it means you decided to enter the world of software engineering xD Even pros are still learning everyday and often times people use multiple resources at once.
For example, I use SoloLearn, CodeCademy, Grasshopper (it's only for JavaScript but you need JavaScript later for web design) and of course I watch YouTube tutorials.
I'm not a reading kinda guy most days but books are good too, especially if you can find a physical one to look at in your downtime.