Does anyone know how to write an anagram checker code in Java
I am doing (string fundatmentals) homework and an optional bonus question asks us to write a basic java code that can check if two strings are anagrams of one another. So far, I understand that they have to be the same length and same number of letters, but i just can't figure out how to build that. I have an if statement that checks the length of both strings but after that I'm lost. Please help and thank you for your time!
2 ответов
Ok I saw, on a google search, references to first use .toCharArray() and then Array.sort().. this looks like it will work.
I guess I was looking for a simple string method to solve it since we haven't learned about importing classes yet. But thank you!
Oh that's probably what they wanted. Wow no wonder it was optional. Haha thanks again!