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CVXOPT Library
when i wanna import the cvxopt in python, it says the module does not exist, does anyone know what i can do , it is either renamed in SoloLearn libraries or nobody needed it yet
5 ответов
+ 5
Sepehr Farid
import sys,subprocess
def install(package):
subprocess.call([sys.executable, "-m","pip","-q", "install", package])
+ 4
Last one.
Which module is available for import, depends on the python distribution.
... and on what SL installed.
+ 4
You can install Python modules here on SL but cvxopt is too big ([Errno27]: file too large)
+ 1
r8w9 how did you check if it's too big or not
+ 1
r8w9 wow awesome thank u :) guess i will use my pycharm as always