How to write the last 3 characters of a string variable in new variable?
I have string variable FirsrtVar = "012345", I need take "345" from this variable and write in SecondVar. How to do it? (Sorry, I'm not english-speaker)
5 ответов
+ 2
Albert , you can use Substring method for example. Look at the code 🐱
+ 2
Using Substring method.
string firstVar = "012345";
string secondVar =
Substring is used like this:
str.Substring( starting index, ending index) - if the second index is not provided, the string will go until the end
+ 2
a little tutorial:
SecondVar = FirstVar.Substring(3).
+ 1
I 2 hours searched information in Google and solved a problem for 5 minutes here)
Thank you)