+ 3
My sololearn website is not opening[Solved]
Normally I use sololearn website but since some days full sololearn website is not working in chrome even i can't successfully visit also. but same url works in other browser. what wrong with chrome??
12 ответов
+ 2
I don't know if it depends on chrome or on sololearn. As fas as I know the website was not updated for a long time.
You can send an email to SL:
+ 2
I have the same problem;
I tried to continue my learning in PC but it just shows a black page and a white rectangle in it...
+ 1
I also had this problem in chrome and opera but now it is resolved !!!
just turn off any privacy protections and ad blockers for this site(sololearn) then you won't have any problem !!!
It worked for me
+ 1
My website opens but stays on a long loading loop when I click a course Ièd like to learn
same problem here.
Black page with a white rectangle here too
I have the same problem dunno what to do
OMG Same problem what to do?
I use pop! os. Faced the same issue with firefox as well as chrome. Please fix this.
I have a problem to which I started facing today when i try to start a course it shows a page with different boxes and sololearn icons
Same Problem Here!
My personal experience:
unblock the cookies, (doesn't work)
reset chrome settings, (doesn't work)
Disable privacy protections and ad blockers (doesn't work)
The only thing that worked is:
Restating the router fixed the issue on all browsers.