+ 1
Should I Start learning with c#???
I want to do internet of things and apps (obvious I will learn Java) but c# Work as a well....so,should I start with c#? (I’m 12 and I just learning my FIRST Language of programing) Thanks!!!!
8 ответов
+ 2
in 4 days Its my birthday , please excuse me 🙃
+ 2
Yes both c# and java... many java developers are actually learning c# and doing very well.
+ 1
JuanRodrigo I'm not sure if you are aware of the age guidelines but according to SoloLearn terms of use and Content Creation Guidelines that you are suppose to be 13 years of age. Here you have openly stated that you are 12 years old... Your information has been forwarded to SoloLearn to review and we look forward to seeing you really soon...
+ 1
I have been using the app for 3 days 🙁
+ 1
know .... can some one awser plz 😂
Yes you should. If you want to work with Windows Forms, C# is an excellent language. Use it with Visual Studio Express (the version that comes with Windows Forms)
why not the community version ???
Community Version is slower. At least in my system. If you can handle it, use the latest one!