+ 1
Can i learn Swift without C?
15 ответов
+ 1
Swift нь apple компаны хөгжүүлэлт хийдэг хэл бөгөөд, IOS, MacOs, watchOS дээр хөгжүүлэлт хийдэг. Чи мобайл хөгжүүлэлт хийж сурья гэж бодож байгаа бол JavaScript дээр суурьласан React Native Гээд Framework ашиглаарай. Facebook компаниас гаргасан тус framework нь одоогоор дэлхий дээрх хамгын их community өндөр олон том газар ашигладаг.
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Yes you can.
All programming languages are independent.
There is no need to learn any programming language for another programming language
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Yes you can, you can learn anything as long as you put your mind to it nothing can stop you, all you have to do is start learning and stop procrastinating
+ 2
You can learn anything even without knowing anything
+ 2
Are these questions for real coz of late I see a lot of them makes me think they are nothing but a point (XPS) making scheme. If you want to learn, get down to it learn there is no need to keep asking about c or whatever, just start learning and the rest will fit in.
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It's possible
of course you can learn without C, but most people suggests to learn C first, but I don't. Learn anything as you want
Yes, you can. But most employers want an ios developer who knows obj c as well as it would be useful in maintaining old code. Most ios apps are in objective C. Also learning Objective-C gives you advantage over other swift programmers and makes learning swift easier. So ny advice is if you choose ios development as a career learn both the same way android devs learn Java before Kotlin. It's just my opinion though and remember that swift is completely independent
You can learn both if you want to
Yes, of course you can! Good luck :)
Yes! You can. Start with Solo Learn. and then Take 100 days of Swift challenge on HackingWithSwift.