+ 5
Which is the best text editor for HTML, CSS and JavaScript?
There are various text editors like Sublime Text and Notepad++. I use them mostly. But the problem is that Notepad++ has a low graphics quality and therefore it doesn't sets the mood for coding especially HTML. Sublime Text is good because it sets the mood for coding. However it is not free to use. So which one should I use?
17 ответов
+ 15
+ 12
I agree with u @Varun
+ 6
Visual Studio Code - it is intuitive, beautiful, and packed with features that will speed up development time. It is also blazing fast, unlike it's more bloated counterpart. Out of the box, it is a feature packed text editor, a little better than notepad++. However, its vast library of themes and extensions add all the features you could ever ask for.
+ 6
SublimeText ^^
+ 5
you can use
1) Brackets
+ 5
I think there is no best editor for programming. It all comes down to personal preference!
Personally I have used:
1- Sublime Text 3
2- Adobe Dreamweaver
3- Intel XDK
4- Brackets
5- Notepad++
They are ranked based on my preference of each software.
+ 4
Open source or free: Visual Studio Code
Paid: Jetbrain's Webstorm
+ 4
Here is a good and free text editor and IDE: https://www.rj-texted.se/download.html
+ 4
Brackets is really cool with amazing features like live view as you edit your code.
+ 3
I use Atom, or brackets. plenty of themes to set the mood, and free.
+ 3
Emacs (Spacemacs). Once you know the keyboard shortcuts...
+ 3
According to me and suggestions:
1. Notepad++
2. Atom
3. Sublime Text 3
4. Brackets
5. RJ TextED
6. Visual Studio Code
+ 2
I have used Atom and Brackets. I prefer atom better.
+ 2
WebStorm, Brackets, Atom
+ 2
sublime text3
Try all editors and have the most suitable for you...
There are many like: netbeans, notepad++, atom, sublime versions, brakets and many for android also Droidedit(best i prefer), html editor....
I highly recommend Codelobster - http://www.codelobster.com
This editor has best autocomplete including all popular frameworks.