How to get free domin to my bloger ?
I make web to bloger , I want get to free domin Where find there ?? Plz
2 ответов
+ 7
There are a few sites that let you do that. Free ones will only be a subdomain. Paid ones get you your own like bro mentioned
Try this one: https://neocities.org/
There's also this one https://wordpress.com/
+ 1
Gokhan it is better to pay a few dollars yearly than to use a free domain program as you are actually using a subdomain like johns.wordpress.org
Pay $14.99 a year and get in your case Gokhan.com and then add your subpages as Gokhan.com/blog or blog.Gokhan.com Both have their value advantages and disadvantages but you will discover that in time.