+ 6
Is it necessary to learn all languages??
21 ответ
+ 7
It's definitely handy to learn a few languages, because some tasks require different things. If you learn a lot of languages, you can use the best one for your task.
Also, you worded it badly. It is impossible to learn ALL languages. There's probably a couple hundred.
+ 5
IMO, You do not need to learn all Programming languages but learn more languages will help you choose appropriate language for different fields.And it will increase your skills in programming.
+ 4
when you lean all language you can't program you just learn the language for this i think you need to choose a theme :dev web/ programation ...
+ 4
No its not and that's why sololearn is so cool because it let's you code and quizzes you and if you want to be a web developer you can go to the Web development section if you want to do machine learning you can do that too that's why coding is amazing
+ 4
No, that would waste your precious time, just learn what you need to know or want to know.
+ 3
I was talking about course specified languages.
+ 3
Jquery is necessary for web development to learn. In future it will demand
+ 3
I think sustained,ameliorated, tangible efforts may be done, by people with software skills/computer programming wizards, to imbibe, take all best aspects, in each of the existing programming languages and develop a new/common/more effective/more efficient/highly efficacious programming language, which will give solutions, to all computer problems, and infact act like PANACEA, for all computer problems.
I am also of the opinion, that it may be an emerging trend.
+ 3
If you want to become a web developer learn HTML, CSS and Javasript.
If you want to work in backend learn languages like Python, Java etc
If you want to work as a full stack developer learn a mixture of front end and back end.
+ 3
From my point of view ...I prefer to say no needs too learn all the languages ...
However if you try with your single desired language with the full dedication and interest than you will surely succeed ...
+ 3
There is a lot of good answers already. But here is my answer anyway.
Of course not. You need to learn what you need. Some you can't learn alone (Html or CSS).
If you are not sure what to learn then select one and stick to it. (in the beginning) . Later on you will know the basics of programing. And when you need to switch to another language then it will be a piece of cake to learn since you know already the programing basics.
+ 3
Quite good learn a programming language that suits your interest and passion in what you want to delve in then the rest of the languages you'll learn them as the need arises
+ 2
Quite the contrary. At least from my experience and my professors, it is actually better to learn one or two languages (and learn them inside and out) than it is to know a repertoire of languages, but only know the basics.
+ 2
It is not necessary to learn all the languages but its necessary to become master in that specified course ............. hope its may help you
+ 2
No, you just have to learn the basics and be sure in your coding and in solving problems.
+ 1
Привет ты знаеш руский язык
+ 1