Need to help with quiz
There are variables double a, double b with random values in Also is variable char ch with random sign (+,-,*,/) I need to write a code (calculator) which operates a and b and write result in variable double c
5 ответов
+ 1
You can find in the Internet code for random number generation.
Using several "if else" or one "switch" statement you can choose operator depending on random value.
+ 1
There is the book in Russian. It's very helpful for beginners. https://vk.com/doc7608079_481057841?hash=1e02a1a293479f3d96&dl=299d99a3dcce23ff75
What a help do you need? If you want to see solution it's bad idea. You learn when you solve problems by yourself.
I recommend you to read this book before starting programming. It will help you to learn much faster.
Here Is a link to the book https://drive.google.com/file/d/16EFtqewwJJ5-AWtt3vFtkPofl-Mg9n44/view?usp=drivesdk
I'll send Russian version later
I rather can't figure out which method i could use to do this. I don't want to see completed code I'm just wondering to get solution to solve it
I'll try. Thanks a lot.