Speech to text convertion open source library for python
I am working on a project in which I need to convert speech to text and I am looking for an open source library as google speech recognition api is not a commercial one
2 ответов
You need to imprort most popular python library
Import speech_recognization as sr
with sr.Microphone() as source:
print("say something");
print("TEXT: "+r.recognize_google(audio));
For using google recoginzer they are give as
Caution: The default key provided by SpeechRecognition is for testing purposes only, and Google may revoke it at any time. It is not a good idea to use the Google Web Speech API in production. Even with a valid API key, you’ll be limited to only 50 requests per day, and there is no way to raise this quota. Fortunately, SpeechRecognition’s interface is nearly identical for each API, so what you learn today will be easy to translate to a real-world project.
I want to use library for patent purpose.so please recommend me a library