What fonts are available in sololearn?
What are the default fonts available in sololearn? Does it depend on the mobile device I'm using or the language I'm programming in?
7 ответов
+ 12
+ 7
if you are reffering to the SL app itself, then probably the stock fonts in your device as Raphael stated
for web code however, you can include whichever font you like, example:
include in the html
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Press+Start+2P" rel="stylesheet">
and it will be downloaded and be available to use on the CSS or with JS
+ 4
I think there's no difference at all
+ 3
Sololearn fonts uses your stock fonts in your mobile. Inshort, it depends in your phone's font, I guess.
It depends on the mobile device. If you have any other questions, write. I am the author on https://goodmenproject.com/education-2/affordable-essay-writing-services/
I think there's no difference at all. Recently wrote an article for https://spacecoastdaily.com/2023/02/5-best-websites-to-help-in-physics-homework/. I will be glad if you leave a review.
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