Please help me with this question. What would be the output? Thanks in advance.
Assuming that the content of the file “test.txt” is The end sem starts here what is the output of this program? int main() { FILE *fp; char c[1024]; fp = fopen("test.txt", "r"); c[0] = getc(fp); fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); fseek(fp, -4, SEEK_CUR); c[1]=getc(fp); fseek(fp, 2, SEEK_CUR); c[2]= getc(fp); c[3]=’\0’; printf(“%s”,c); return 0; } Options: A. Thr B. Te C. her D. sem
3 ответов
(A) Thr
1. c[0] stores 'T' ie the first
character of the file
2. SEEK_END takes you to
the end of file
3. The pointer moves backwards by 4 characters to 'h'. Hence, c[1] = 'h' (forth character from the end)
4. Then seek forward 2
characters to 'r'
=> c[2] = 'r'
5. Finally c[3] = null to mark end of string
+ 1
Thank you so much Infinity and uday kiran
1. Initially fp points to first character in the file ,so c[0] = 'T'
2. fseek function is used to move the position of the pointer .
SEEK_END place the pointer beyond the last character.
3.SEEK_CUR moves the pointer by no.of bytes from it's position.
c[1] = 'h'
c[2] = 'r'
c = "Thr"