+ 2
Why we use i++,+i and --i
23 ответов
+ 4
Mahmud Nabil In fact I am not sure about it. It was just told me by someone i trust😬
He told me something like this:
Moreover, modern CPUs are highly complex beasts, which can execute a lot of operations in parallel, and quite often, "simple" operations like these can be entirely hidden by running them in parallel with larger, more complex ones.
I found this on:
+ 3
+ 3
I didn't say anything else, I posted a link with a correct description of these operators.
+ 3
Alexander Thiem I've doubts about the time efficiency thing you mentioned. Whould you provide some references?
+ 3
If i=1 and we use increment operator ++ then by this
cout<<i++ ;
The snswer will be 1 however after this statement the value of i will be 2
And its opposite in case of ++i in it cout<<++i;
The answer will be 2 because increment operator is used first and then i is written.
+ 3
For Increment and decrement
+ 3
for example
int x=5;
cout <<++x; //6
int x=5;
cout <<x++; //5
+ 2
$¢𝐎₹𝔭!𝐨𝓝 I understand what you mean but in your answers was not explained the difference to i=i+1 (i think time efficience)
+ 2
This was not part of the question.
+ 2
Mahmud Nabil I wrote this thing with time efficency without being sure it is right..... Does not matter anymore
+ 2
Oh tnx uzair
+ 2
Consider a=5,b=10
++a means pre increment.... value of "a" increment first before any "opperation" carried out so a*b=6*10=60,then a=6 and b=10
a++ means post increment
.....The value of "a" increment after opperation carried out. So a*b=5*10..then a vaue increment then a=6 ....same is a-- and --a ....but hear value is decrement
+ 1
Alexander Thiem I just wanted to know the explanation because it's unintuitive to me. Sorry for whatever made you use '😬' emoji.
+ 1
We use these for increment or decrement....Meanwhile
Let's take a variable V=0.
If you want an increment of a number or variable.....
What is simply does is it will increase V's value by one after the operation or u can say after the compilation of the program.
Now if u want to decrement of a number or variable.
Now, what this does is first it will first decrease the value of V then print the value of it.....suppose V's value is 2 --V will decrease the value of V by 1 then the result will be V=1......!
I hope u got my point...!☺
+ 1
for example:
int i=1;
i++; // i=1
cout<<i; // 2
int j=1;
++j; // j=2
cout<<j; // 2
I think that :
Takes the same time as
or atleast less time than
so it firtsly saves time and secondly shortens your code.
Alexander Thiem
If person know how the thing works then s/he definately know why and where to use.
This Is Things In Your Code
For Loop Or Anything
In for loops
You things to break your loop. If You Dont make your loop is infinity loops
Np 😊