+ 4
I have been trying to insert an image, but it's not working. What can i do
How to insert an image in an html file
29 ответов
+ 13
Oluwadare Opemipo I have found some threads for you. Please use the search bar🔎 next time
for search bar:
+ 6
Oluwadare Opemipo <img src="the link">
+ 3
+ 3
chat with me privately.🤷
I will teach you how to insert any image on your phone to your code..😁😁😁
+ 2
would be better if you could post your code here or else at least the image link which you copied there must be a problem with the image link we may fix it so please paste it here
+ 2
How would i post it
+ 2
Just copy the link or the part of your code and paste it here so we can help you mam :)
+ 2
Make sure the image is in the same folder with your HTML file or subfolder inside your project folder
Then use:
<img src="filename">
Image in subfolder
<img src="subfolder_name/filename">
+ 2
If you are putting image by drop box then you should required to make a change in URL and that is replaced 0 by 1.
That's it.
+ 2
Oluwadare Opemipo first of all, the image and your html document should be in the same file, if your html document is on your desktop then the image should be on your desktop too. You should also know what is the format of the image you are using, if you don't know what's the format you can try to copy paste the image in ms paint and then click "save as", choose where to save it, and name it "name.jpg", this will save your image with jpg format. After you know the format of the image and its placed in the same place with your html document you simply write <img src="name.jpg" alt="what you want it to write if the image is not supported in a browser""> you can also use height and width attributes to change size, or border attribute to put a border, to center your image you can place it inside a paragraph, since <img> is an inline element align attribute won't work on it. I hope I helped.
+ 2
<img src = " " height = " " width = " " alt = " "/>
+ 2
Create a folder for that image and move/drag it to your project folder; or better still if you already have an image folder on your project, add the said picture to it and reference the image via the name you saved it with on your project; it definitely would show up..
+ 2
Ok lionel
+ 1
Just type this <img src ="your link where image is">
+ 1
If your prob is not.solved ping me here or dm me
+ 1
How would i know if it's in the same folder with the html file
+ 1
I'm having the same problem
+ 1
It still not working
+ 1
Create a folder for that image and move/drag it to your project folder; or better still if you already have an image folder on your project, add the said picture to it and reference the image via the name you saved it with on your project; it definitely would show up..
+ 1
Let's see the code