Not updating the High Score :(
i am making a game in javascript. it has a score and high score element: <span id="scoreLabel">Score:</span> <span id="score">0</span> <span id="hscoreLabel">High Score:</span> <span id="highScore">0</span> and if the game ends it is supposed to update the highscore, assuming that the score is greater than the previous high score: if(END){ sc = document.getElementById("score").innerHTML; hsc = document.getElementById("highScore").innerHTML; sc>hsc?document.getElementById("highScore").innerHTML = sc: document.getElementById("highScore").innerHTML = hsc; document.getElementById("score").innerHTML = 0; END = false; setup(); } the first time that it runs, when the high score is 0, it will update, but for some reason it wont ever do it after....... if anyone can help :D